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When you chose Forest Glade Animal Hospital for your pets' dental care,
we will take every step possible to ensure that your pet enjoys a safe and
comfortable dental experience. In order to ease your concerns and assure
you that we offer only the best for your pet, we have prepared this information
page to explain in detail the level of care we provide.
Daily dental care is just as important for cats and dogs as it is for us humans. They too accumulate tartar and are susceptible to gingivitis and periodontal disease, just like us. We recommend starting at a young age (if possible) to brush your pets teeth. Watch this great video from Vetvid for a great demonstration of what to do, how to do it and what to use. You can do it ! It's not that ruff.


Just like us, our pets will need professional dental care, especially as they age. Below is a description of what a dental procedure entails for a dog or cat.

On the morning of your pets' dentistry, a blood sample will be drawn to perform a minimum database of tests. This allows us to check for anemia, kidney and liver functions and to ensure blood sugar/protein levels are within normal ranges. The Veterinarian performs a pre-anesthetic physical exam to detect any abnormalities. If any are noted, you will be informed, since additional tests may have to be performed. If your pet was placed on antibiotics in preparation for their dentistry, we will confirm with you that the medication was given as directed.
Your pet may be sedated to reduce anxiety and will receive injections of pain medication if we anticipate the procedure will cause any discomfort. This helps your pet both while under the anesthetic and during the next few days at home as well. They are placed on intravenous fluids which help to maintain normal blood pressure while under anesthetic. A variety of sedative and anesthetic drugs are in use in our hospitals. This allows our Doctors to choose the most appropriate for your pets' health and life stage.
Once under anesthetic, your pet is monitored constantly using a variety of technology, including the ECG, pulse oximetry, Doppler blood pressure and respiration monitors. Our fully trained Veterinary Technicians perform these tasks under the guidance of our Doctors.
Asepsis, or sterile technique, is an important part of any medical or dental procedures. This prevents infection and spread of disease from one pet to another. All dental instruments are cleaned and sterilized for each patient. Their teeth are examined by the Doctor, digital dental  x-rays are taken of the entire mouth and a treatment plan is created. The Veterinary Technician cleans each tooth. The Doctor will perform the examination, any extractions, gingival surgery, or other procedures that are required to provide your pet with the best possible outcome. If your pet has to have extractions, or other potentially painful procedures, they will be discharged with pain medication to be given at home. Before they wake up, their teeth are polished with a fluoride polish, which helps slow down the accumulation of bacterial plaque.
The recovery process is one that is carefully monitored. Your pet will sleep
wrapped in a warm and cozy bed of blankets until it is

time to go home. Post-operative instructions will be reviewed
with you at the scheduled pick up time.
Any questions? we are always here to help.



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